About Us

Parents/carers cannot apply for their child to attend Three Towers.

Three Towers is an Alternative Provision, or AP Academy.  We are Ofsted registered and inspected under the same inspection framework as mainstream and special schools.  We are subject to legislation and statutory requirements just as schools are so that we operate safely with the welfare of children at the heart of all we do.

We provide high quality education and support to learners in Year 1 to Year 11, who have been or are at risk of permanent exclusion from school.  We also provide short-term provision for learners who are unable to attend school because of a medical need or who need a short-term intervention to support their return and successfully re-engagement with mainstream school. 

Our aim in Years 1 to 10 is to re-integrate the learners back into a mainstream or specialist school.  We work closely with external agencies and our partner schools to identify the needs of the child, develop the child’s ability to learn, so that each child feels confident about being in the classroom.  In Year 11, we focus on preparing the learners for the next part of their learning journey with externally accredited courses and support into post-16 education, employment and training.

We are a mainstream provision able to offer intervention and assessment placements for learners whose behaviour is preventing them from succeeding in a mainstream setting.  We are not an alternative to special schools for learners with Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs), although we do provide education for learners with EHCPs who have been permanently excluded from mainstream schools if we feel we can meet their needs in the short-term.   However, it is not regarded as good practice for learners with EHCPs to access our services as permanently excluded learners when this can be avoided through the annual/emergency review processes. Therefore, learners with EHC Plans spending time at Three Towers is not a usual occurrence.

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Contacting Us

Our Whelley office is open 8:15am to 3:00pm daily, except for Wednesday when it closes at 2:00pm

Our Hindley office is open 8:15am to 3:30pm daily, except for Wednesday when it closes at 2:45pm

All enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to the school office staff who will then direct them to the most appropriate person to deal with.

Hindley Campus

Leyland Park House, Park Road,
Hindley, Wigan WN2 3RX

Whelley Campus

28 Hieland Road,
Wigan WN1 3UR

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