Personalised Packages
A very small number of learners require a much more bespoke offer. This may be for a variety of reasons including but not exclusively because they are high risk individuals who require high levels of supervision either on or offsite; or they require a nurturing curriculum that focuses on basic and life skills; or they have been out of education for a considerable time and struggle to adjust to full time classroom-based learning; or they have been permanently excluded from specialist provision.
Bespoke timetables are used as a stepping stone into full time provision at Three Towers. The transition for these learners is often very slow and their progress is reviewed weekly or sometimes daily against their targets.
When it is possible, these learners access much smaller groups, where they have 1:1 support with direct teaching for basic skills which is supported by online literacy and numeracy sessions. One to one or even two to one sessions with key staff to address their emotional literacy needs happen frequently during the week and if possible for Key Stage 4 learners appropriate work experience/vocational placements are set up.