Term Dates

IMPORTANT NOTE: These dates are the official school and are different to those published by Wigan Council.

Parents / carers should be aware that taking holidays at times other than these can be extremely disruptive to your child’s education. This is particularly important for those preparing for public examinations. 

Holidays during Term Time

In line with DfE national guidance, the school will not normally agree to your child missing school for family holidays except in exceptional circumstances, for example if your child has moved to Three Towers during the academic year and at the time of booking it would have been during their original school’s normal holidays.  We will need to see confirmation that the booking was made before they referred to Three Towers.

Dual-registered Learners

If your child is dual registered with Three Towers and another school, we will discuss holiday patterns with you when your child starts with us.

Holidays during SATs / Exam Season

Holidays during exam seasons will not be authorised.  The dates for SATs, GCSE and other externally accredited courses are set nationally and Three Towers cannot move the dates so if your child is absent then they will miss the exam.

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Getting In Touch

Contacting Us

Our Whelley office is open 8:15am to 3:00pm daily, except for Wednesday when it closes at 2:00pm

Our Hindley office is open 8:15am to 3:30pm daily, except for Wednesday when it closes at 2:45pm

All enquiries should, in the first instance, be directed to the school office staff who will then direct them to the most appropriate person to deal with.

Hindley Campus

Leyland Park House, Park Road,
Hindley, Wigan WN2 3RX

Whelley Campus

28 Hieland Road,
Wigan WN1 3UR

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